About Us

Welcome to Moonlight, the open-source beacon of innovation in remote gaming! Born in the dorms of Case Western Reserve University and launched into the world from hackathons like MHacks, our journey began in 2013, fueled by a group of brilliant minds including Cameron Gutman, Diego Waxemberg, Aaron Neyer, Michelle Bergeron, Andrew Hennessy, and Aidan Campbell​.

Moonlight isn’t just software; it’s a revolution that empowers you to play your favorite PC games anywhere, on almost any device. With our roots in NVIDIA’s GameStream protocol, we’ve crafted a suite of 3rd party clients that bring your gaming library to your fingertips—without compromising on graphics or game selection​.

Our mission is to deliver the unparalleled power of PC gaming to you, wherever life takes you. From the cozy corners of your home to the far reaches of the world, Moonlight transforms your gaming experience, streaming your cherished games at up to 4K quality with HDR support and up to 120 FPS for the most vivid and responsive play imaginable. We’re not just a service; we’re a community. We invite you to dive into the vast seas of gaming with us, without the anchor of unnecessary costs. With Moonlight, the world is your arcade.

We’re proud to be a community-driven project. Our clients are open-source, living on GitHub under the GPLv3 license, and we thrive on contributions from folks like you. We’re not about ads or premium features; we’re about keeping gaming free and accessible for all. From 4K HDR streaming to running your very own cloud gaming server, we’re all about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible​.

Join us in this gaming evolution. Let’s game, anytime, anywhere. Welcome to Moonlight.

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